Archive for the ‘Worked All States – Parks on the Air’ Tag

Amateur Radio This Week: 2024.12   Leave a comment

This week, I did make a few contacts on HF. I worked a number of parks and a few on an OMISS Net (40 meters). I made some contacts from home and I made some from the Malibu, split across 20 meters and I think a few on 12 meters, but I’d have to check the logs again.

Through all the excitement, I picked up parks in DC and NH, which gets me Worked All States (Parks on the Air)!

Unfortunately, the strong winds over the past few days shredded my 6 m dipole. I never did make any contacts on it, so I still can’t verify whether the radio works on not. I’m not quite ready to take down the center mast to repair the 6 m antenna- this will probably be a summertime project.

Thank you for reading my post.